
Videobot News

Videobot Triumphs at Startup World Cup Regional Finals: On to San Francisco for the $1M Prize!

Videobot wins the regional Startup Regional Finals and heads to the global finals in San Fransisco!

Startup World Cup Regional Winners- Videobot

We are thrilled to announce that Videobot has emerged victorious at the Startup World Cup Powered by Pegasus Tech Ventures regional finals! The prestigious event was hosted at the EY headquarters in Luxembourg, where the most innovative and promising tech startups competed for the coveted spot in the world finals.

This incredible achievement propels Videobot to the grand stage in San Francisco, where we will have the exciting opportunity to compete for the $1 million investment prize. Facing off against top-tier startups from around the globe, we are eager to showcase our cutting-edge martech solution that is revolutionizing the industry.

Winning the regional finals is not just a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication but also a significant milestone in our journey. We are deeply honoured by this recognition and very proud of the innovative strides we have made in the interactive video space. Our commitment to excellence and our passion for transforming the way businesses leverage video technology has been the driving force behind our success.

We want to extend our congratulations to all the other participants who showcased their groundbreaking ideas and innovative solutions at the regional finals. It was an inspiring experience to witness such a diverse array of talent and ingenuity, and we are grateful to be part of this vibrant startup ecosystem.

As we prepare for the world finals in San Francisco, we remain focused on our mission to deliver exceptional value to our customers. We believe that our interactive video technology platform has the potential to make a significant impact, and we are excited to share our vision with a global audience.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey to the Startup World Cup finals. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to achieving new heights together!

Thank you for being a part of the Videobot story.


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